· Mar 10, 2022

FIRST early reimbursement "PECT" approved

MEDITECH ACCESS is proud to announce that Neovasc Reducerโ„ข system has been granted Prise en Charge Transitoire (โ€œPECTโ€) reimbursement in France by the national health authority, Haute Autoritรฉ de Santรฉ (โ€œHASโ€). The decision has been officialized by the publication in the French Journal Officiel.

Olivier Vรฉran, Minister of Solidarity and Health, welcomes the first early reimbursement of a medical device. (link to the communication: https://solidarites-sante.gouv.fr/actualites/presse/communiques-de-presse/article/premier-dispositif-medical-pris-en-charge-dans-le-cadre-du-dispositif-de-prise)

Thanks to the reform introduced in 2021, the PECT is designed to allow patients with significant illnesses and no other therapeutic options to benefit from novel therapies for select indications.

The Reducer is the first therapy to be approved under the newly established PECT process. Pr. Martine Gilard, cardiologist at the Brest University Hospital and member of the National Academy of Medicine has expressed how much Neovasc will be an added value to patients with chronic refractory angina pectoris: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6907737582143426560/

MediTech Access want to thank everyone who participated in this success, the French healthcare authorities (HAS, DSSโ€ฆ) for their careful attention and the SNITEM for their seamless support to the PECT pathway.

Please don't hesitate to contact us, should you have any question related to the transitional coverage. We would be very pleased to support you in such actions.