· Jun 02, 2023

Medical procedures requests : the campaign is open !

An important annual milestone not to be missed for medical device providers that need, for instance, to create a CCAM procedure enabling the suitable use of their technologies.

The campaign for applications to evaluate procedures with a view to inclusion in the Haute Autoritรฉ de Santรฉ 2024 work program is open from June 1, 2023 until October 3, 2023.

The Haute Autoritรฉ de Santรฉ (HAS) provides us with the new EVActe platform with a simplified & intuitive form for a simple and functional step-by-step submission.

For more info: https://www.has-sante.fr/jcms/c_1714581/fr/modalites-de-depot-d-un-dossier-de-demande-d-evaluation-d-acte-professionnel

Do not hesitate to contact us should you need assistance with this process.