· Jun 05

Digital medical devices : the rates of co-payement have been published!

Following the publication of tariffs for remote monitoring activities, the rates of co-payment applicable to expenses relating to therapeutic digital medical devices and remote medical monitoring activities have been published.

The rate is set at 40%.

The insured's contribution is defined in the French Social Security Code (R-160-5). In the case of certain illnesses with severe or chronic characteristics that require prolonged and expensive treatment, known as Affections Longue Durée or ALD, co-payment may be waived. Patients with an ALD will most likely be eligible for 100% reimbursement, as long as their condition is included on the exemption lists and the treatment is covered under the specified indications for reimbursement (based on generic guidelines, indications obtained via LPP/LATM, etc.).

Learn more about the co-payment article : https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/jorf/id/JORFTEXT000047625942

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